Downloading the Adobe Digital Editions software
You need to install Adobe Digital Editions if you want to transfer ebooks protected by Adobe DRM (.acsm) to e-readers form brands other than Vivlio, or to applications other than those offered by our partners.
You do not need to download Adobe Digital Editions to read on your computer, read on a Vivlio e-
reader, or read on an application from one of our partners.
To download the software, go to the Adobe Digital Editions page on the Adobe website.
Click on “Save file”, then double-click on the downloaded file “ADE_4.0_Installer.exe” if you are on
Windows or on the file “ADE_4.0_Installer.dmg” if you are on Mac OS. Allow the program to make
changes on your computer if you are asked for it to do so.
Installing Adobe Digital Editions
On Windows
Click on “Run” to start the installation.
Tick “I accept the terms of the licence” and then click on “Next”.
Leave all boxes checked and click on “Next” and then on “Install”. Once the download is complete,
click on “Close”.
Adobe Digital Editions can recognise an older version of Adobe on your computer or ebook files. In
this case, click on “Migrate data”.
On Mac OS
Click on “Digital Editions 4.0 Install.pkg” to start the installation.
Click on “Continue” to scroll through the different steps of the installation.
Click on “Accept” to validate the software licence agreement.
Then click on “Install” to start the installation of the software.
Once the software is installed, you can proceed to the following steps: create an Adobe account and then authorise your computer with your Adobe ID.